Plant sale

Members of the First Congregational Church of Kennebunkport, 141 North St., will be hosting their annual Plant Sale on Sat., June 1st from 9am-1pm. The sale will feature tomato plants and dahlias, as well as a mixture of perennial flowers from the beautiful gardens of members and friends. Usually there are houseplants and gardening accessories as well.


Not interested in gardening? Come to enjoy some fresh baked items that are all homemade by some talented cooks. Food items are to include a variety of sweets, breads, & soups.



Worship Announcement

Good Morning all.  A beautiful weekend is predicted for our area in Maine and we’ll welcome it with open arms.    Please be advised, we will not be hosting an in person service this week at the First Congregation Church.  Due to the increasing spike of Covid 19, we feel it’s in the best interest of our congregation to go back to taped services for all to watch in the comforts of their homes.     This was not an easy decision, but necessary for the safety of all.      Please join us online on Sunday at 9:30.

Any questions or concerns please call our church office and leave a voicemail.  It is checked regularly and we will call you back soon.


Tomato and Plant Sale

June 6, 2020 from 9-12  .  Tomato and plant sale.   Below is a listing of the tomato plants that will be available.

Tomato Inventory


  1. Stellar: 70-75 days

Beautiful red, round, 5-7 oz.

Delious slicing tomato

Perfect for all uses.

Determinate (AAS winner)

Qty: 75 plants


  1. Big Beef: 73 days

Large 9-16 oz. Indeterminate with

old fashion rich flavor. (AAS winner)

Qty: 40 plants


  1. Juliet: 60 days

Indeterminate. Elongated cherry tomato.

Great salad tomato, sweet flavor, won’t crack.

Heavy yield of 1 oz. tomatoes (AAS winner)

Qty: 25 plants


  1. Galahad: 75 days

Determinate. Large, round, great tasting 12 oz.

Excellent all around tomato. Strong, high yielding

and crack resistant. (AAS winner)

Qty: 55 plants